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The Star-Spangled Banner & Patriotic Song : President's & Vice President's of the USA - 2021
The Star-Spangled Banner & Patriotic Song : President's and Vice President's of the USA (2021)
The Star-Spangled Banner & Patriotic Song : President's & Vice president's of the USA Updated
United States National Anthem | with President and Vice Presiden 1789-2021 and some history
Watch Lady Gaga Perform The National Anthem At Biden’s Inauguration | TODAY
U.S. Presidents sing The Star-Spangled Banner
National Anthem of US America Star Spangled Banner: Presidents and Vice Presidents (2021)
Every Performance of the "Star Spangled Banner" at the inaugurations
UPDATE! 1949-2021 | Every Performances of the National Anthem at US Presidential Inauguration
"The Star-Spangled Banner" | Every US President meet The Queen - From Reagan to Biden
Every National Anthem Sung at a Presidential Inauguration (Harry S Truman to Joseph R. Biden)
"Hail, Columbia" | US Vice Presidential Anthem | Biden Harris Inauguration 2021 Edition.